Tıp Eğitimi

Introduction and History

Our Department, which conducts research and studies on Medical Education, creates educational strategies for the faculty, closely monitors the education system currently used and monitors the necessary improvements, was established in 2001.

It is the unit that plays an active role in monitoring international developments and changes in medical education, monitoring the education and training activities of our faculty through surveys, drawing conclusions, preparing solutions to problems and developing strategies.

Our department plans the necessary infrastructure for the adaptation of contemporary developments in medical education to our faculty and advises the faculty administration on educational activities. Turkish and English Medical Programs, Theoretical Courses, Professional Skills Trainings, Communication Skills Trainings and Simulated Patient Practices in Term 1, 2, and 3 grades are carried out by our Department. 

Preparation, printing and evaluation of the Board, Final and Make-up Exams of Turkish and English Medical Programs, Term 1, 2 and 3 Grades are carried out by our Department. After each exam, item analysis of the questions of the exam is regularly conducted by our Department and the results are submitted to the Dean’s Office. 

In addition, the Department of Medical Education takes an active role in the boards and commissions related to education (Education Commission, Program Evaluation and Curriculum Development Commission, Measurement and Evaluation Commission and Accreditation Self-Assessment Board). 

As the Department of Medical Education, an Orientation Program is organized every year for new Term 1 students who are new to the Faculty of Medicine.